Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Something I did out of curiousity

Hey there myself.. yeah i'm talking to you who's typing this.. this is gonna be weird but you are gonna write a letter to yourself..never actually did this kinda thing or maybe i did just that i dont remember.. oh well lets just do it.. it will be good experience..

To MySelf,

                 Now that you have start a new life at a new place don't forget the people back home especially mom.. Mom did a lot to make sure you got into UMS so study hard but smart and make a lot of friend if cannot have many friend its okay a few is fine just as long as they are all good friend that can be your friend for life.. Don't forget to exercise at least 4 to 5 times a week  it doesn't matter what kind of exercise be it by jogging or playing football, rugby and even volleyball.. Just do it.. Oh speaking of volleyball I know this might be hard but try and get a place in the UMS volleyball team it be nice to represent UMS.. Rizal people have always call you fat so why not make a change. Lose a few kg n make yourself healthier stop people from calling you fat.. Have confidence in yourself do what you think is right, help people if they need it and do not forget to pray 5 times a day..

Truly by Myself.

So that it.. Thats my letter for myself.. This actually something my lecturer ask me n my classmate the 2012/2013 TESL batch were ask to do.. Like I said I never blog before so whoever read this don't laugh okay.. I have no experience what so ever.. Alright then I finish it and now to the next assignment.. I'm Out Yo..

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