Thursday 13 December 2012

Assessing Student Work

Although I do not have experience marking a student work but I have to say that I have a hard time assessing this one English paper. The essay was about 'My Scary Experience' i think. This student write an essay about 120 words long. Well at first glance I can already see the essay have so many mistake. The mistakes range from grammar to sentences construction and even to spelling. I laugh so long that it hurts my stomach to even read the essay. I can that the person know what he wants to write because you can see that the story has a plot its just that he or she has a problem on how to wrote it down. I thought the essay would be wrote by a form 1 student and from the weakest class. I was right about the weakest class but the form 1 student I was very wrong. To my surprise the one who wrote the essay was a person who was just a year older than me. After I knew that, I stop laughing and start to concentrate more on assessing the essay. The essay if out of 10 I would give it 6 and if it was out of 20 i would give 10. I'm having problem to upload the picture of the essay which I took with my phone. In a nutshell, it was a nice experience to assess a person essay as it will help me in the future when I become an English teacher. Later if possible I will upload the picture.

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