Thursday 13 December 2012

Inside the Haiti Earthquake

We were asked by our lecture to play this game known as 'Inside the Haiti Earthquake'. Well if weren't for the line problem I probably have a great time playing it. But oh well can't always get what you want right?. So I played it for an hour as a survivor. Oh the game wants you to choose either be a journalist, an aid worker or a survivor. I choose survivor because i just feel like it. No specific reason at all. So when I become a survivor the game starts by showing a picture of what happen to the Haiti after the earthquake. It a REAL picture I'm not lying or anything. It was because of the picture that I know what exactly happen there otherwise I wouldn't even know that there was an earthquake at Haiti. If I said I can imagine what Haiti would look like after the earthquake then I would say I was wrong. The things I imagine isn't close to what the picture showed me.  Well then, I would like to ask my student to play this game to because its a good game and it would help them to improve their English language. Then I would like them to write an essay about 'How They Would Help Those People In Haiti'. Playing this game would help them because when they read some thing interesting it would make them more creative and when they write they would improve their writing skills. 

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