Well everyday more and more technology is being develop an being completed. It can't be deny that almost every single population in this world know how to use technology (excluding newborn babies) even if its just a simple vending machine. From my past experience, my generations doesn't really learn high level technology like mobile phones or computer until we were 12 years old and we even only learn the basic of it. But now even children as young as 7 years old know how to use high level technology like smart phone and maybe there are even younger people that are capable of using technology. Technology is part of everyone daily life. Which is why there would be no reason to not use technology to teach students in school anymore and with technology we can infuse a different way for students to write which will improve their writing skills much more faster and better then the traditional way.
The government should provide computers or laptops to school for student to use in their learning. It would greatly help the student to learn as they would be using something they are used to using already. The students can use Microsoft Word to use for writing and there are other application that can be use as well. Writing application like this will prevent the student from writing word or to be more precise prevent them from typing the wrong word as the application will tell them if they type the word wrongly. They would improve their grammar skill and not only their writing skill. Its like killing two birds with one stone. The use of Internet would also helps them because they would read more when they are doing their homework. They would gain more knowledge then they should have in school when the read in the internet.
Next, integrating the use of technology in teaching writing should be done because it will greatly reduce the stress on both teachers and students. Student won't have to bring heavy textbook with the addition of the exercise book anymore to the school and teachers will only have to prepare the slides for the student to. Meanwhile, student can make their work clean and organize with technology. If it was paper, they would likely make mistake and then their work would be seen as dirty which is bad to look at. Students will also be likely write better when they want a positive feedback from other people like in websites like 'Facebook', 'Blogger' or 'Twitter'. Although for student to write in websites like these it may worsen their writing ability as they might use short forms of a word like 'lol' which means laugh out loud.
Lastly, when I become a teacher I would definitely use technology to teach my students how to write because it be easier for the both of us. Firstly, I might teach more than 1 class so I would probably make a group website for my students. Everything would be done in that website like information sharing, forum, notes and even submitting assignment. This idea is from watching my lecturers doing it to me and my friends and it really helps students and teachers. So maybe I'm copying them but in the future lets see if I can do it better than them and maybe improve the way in my own way not sure how but surely do it one day.
I like how you highlight the importance of positive feedback to students.